Read the Latest News from Huth Polled Herefords
Huth Polled Herefords and S&H Livestock Enterprises, LLC awarded Environmental Stewardship Award
We were honored by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) to receive the 2022 Environmental Stewardship Award Program (ESAP) for NCBA’s Region 3.
Established in 1991, ESAP annually recognizes the outstanding stewardship practices and conservation achievements of cattle producers from across the nation. Award winners are commended for their commitment to protecting the environment and improving fish and wildlife habitats, while also operating profitable cattle operations.
Huth Polled Herefords and our partner operation, S&H Livestock Enterprises, LLC (Josh Scharf, owner/partner) are committed to operating a sustainable operation. We are no different than most cattle producers—we want to enjoy the land, make it better for the next generation, and make a profit in our endeavor.
We thank the NCBA for this award.
Huth Polled Herefords and S&H Livestock Enterprises, LLC host Japan Trade Team
In May 2023, we were one of the stops for a trade team of Japanese foodservice representatives.
The Wisconsin Beef Council, in partnership with the U.S. Meat Export Federation, hosted this group. On-farm visits helped the Japanese visitors understand the dedication to animal care, sustainability, production practices and genetics used by Wisconsin farmers in producing a high quality product.
In addition, the Japan Trade Team visited Wisconsin meat processors and restaurants to get a great snapshot of Wisconsin beef production. The trade team thoroughly enjoyed the visit and asked many interesting questions about our operation. We were even featured in one of the Japanese Food Magazines!
We are committed at Huth Polled Herefords and S&H Livestock to help the staff at the Wisconsin Beef Council to tell the true story of the Wisconsin beef industry. Keep up the good work!